Bozena Shallcross

Professor, Slavic Languages and Literatures and the College

My primary research concern has always been the relationship established between a creative subjectivity and the outside world. In this sense, I dealt with various concepts related to the once fundamental division between the seeing subject and the seen sphere, mainly, works of art as represented in literature, visual arts, and a physical world. 

My research evolved from interrogating the late stage of Polish symbolist poetry and its perceptual revisions of Western European visual arts into an exploration of the late modernist destabilization of the poetic subject and art-object divide from the perspective of epiphanic encounters with art.

As of late, I brought to the fore the material sphere of a radically different historical settingthe Holocaustin order to establish the precarious ontology of trivial, everyday things in extreme conditions of the genocide.

Currently, I am working on several major projects such as articles, conferences and monographs; of the latter the most advanced are the book manuscript, tentatively entitled Inscriptions and Intimacy, and an anthology of texts by various authors entitled The Jewish Inn: From Architecture to Phantasm.