Program in Translation Studies

Illustrations by Oliverio Girondo reproduced in Decals: Complete Early Poems (Open Letter Books) with kind permission of the Department of Special Collections of the Hesburgh Libraries of the University of Notre Dame. © 2018 by Susana Lange and the Estate

Past events can be viewed on the Translation Studies Youtube Channel

Translation Studies at UChicago is a central hub for coursework, publications, research, news, and campus events in literary translation and translation studies. It draws together the cultural and linguistic expertise of translators, creative writers, scholars, students, staff, and friends of translation from across the university—working in languages including Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Marathi, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and more. We aim to promote the creativity and visibility of translators and to explore translation as a creative practice, field of study, and theoretical orientation.